Monday, August 31, 2009

I am back with my story...

Hi everyone,..
I am back in my blog again...
I haven't been writing much for I got little time to reflect as I was busy in just observing and feeling...However, things around me force deep thoughts on the meaning of my life........humm....looks like I am meditating?.......well, no wonder...I am in Rishikesh, a place considered to be an abode of Gods and Godess and more imporatantly the land of Ganga, the Holy River....You get to ask questions and find answers here.......Ganga takes you out of the world.......
...I am writing now.....not about Ganga....about myself.......that is one thing about Ganga....she reflects ourselves............
..So I thought I look back my life in the past and present and find grace in my way.....

I titled my story "gleaning grace".....I hope to post paragraphs from my story soon...